Imagine deep inner peace made possible by tuning into your own “internal ocean current” ebbing and flowing… and returning you home to yourself…

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a special form of bodywork, developed by osteopathic physicians, which is both gentle and powerful. Clients rest clothed on a massage table. The touch is very light, seldom using more than 5 grams of pressure (the weight of a nickel) and sometimes less. Very quickly, clients drop into a deep state of relaxation.

Many of the health conditions which can contraindicate other forms of massage can actually benefit from Craniosacral Therapy. It has successfully been used to treat such diverse conditions as headaches, TMJ dysfunction, chronic middle ear infections, vertigo, depression, back pain, joint immobility, neck pain, sinus congestion, migraines, learning disabilities, and trauma.

CST works with the wisdom of the body to heal itself. The craniosacral system consists of the membranes and fluid surrounding the brain and the spinal cord. The ebb and flow (filling and draining) of cerebrospinal fluid through the system creates a unique rhythm (6-12 complete cycles per minute) which can be felt anywhere on the body.

cranio-sacral massage in vancouver

By monitoring the craniosacral rhythm, the therapist gains valuable information to facilitate greater ease of movement in the body, including the cranial bones.
Because it takes great energy to adapt to restrictions, treatments can be deeply relaxing, and even sleep-inducing. Effects after treatment include greater mental clarity, calmness, and ability to sleep more deeply at night. These effects can continue to integrate and last days, weeks or even longer.

Craniosacral Therapy is beneficial for all ages, including children, and is particularly indicated for hyperactivity, migraines, and head injuries, including from birth trauma.

Quote Marks for Reviews

“I was having frequent migraines, that I have suffered from for years. After meeting with Karen and expressing my concerns, she worked her “magic” on me. It’s been at least 2 years, and I have had maybe 1 migraine since then. Because she was so wonderful, I brought my 9 year old son, who was beginning to have migraines. He had fell out of a second story window when he was 4 and had a base skull fracture that led to his right ear. Karen was told about the fall, but not the location of the fracture. After her assessment and treatment, she told me he had a lot of release on the right side of his head near his ear – which gave me goosebumps. By the way, he hasn’t had any migraines or headaches since the visit. Thank you for all your healing!” ~ Jaimee L.